StaffGuide: Electronic Serials

Electronic Serials

Reviewing Items Returned from Cataloging (non-monographic Serials)


  1. Check Cat Date
  2. BIB LVL=s Journal/Serial
  3. Check for 222
  4. Check for appropriate 655.
  5. If open access, check authority record to see if appropriate 690 added to bib
  6. Newspapers: dSubject 690 of decades covered
  7. Check URL format and holdings
  8. Check for any title changes (780 and 785)
  9. Check for series 830 and verify matches bib and that all series mentioned in authority record have been included in bib
  10. View Public Display to ensure URL (856) works and access is available
  11. Check 99x fields are updated and correct
  12. Check Serials Solutions
  13. Once work is complete, add 999  Review done (date/initials) and email interested parties if the problem was reported outside the department
  14. Check for appropriate attached records

Questions to CAT can be addressed via v999 QUESTION and then query.


Does bib have a cat date?

  • Yes- Proceed
  • No-
  1. If bib has a 997 note saying cataloging complete, ask cataloging about the status.
  2. If bib has OCLC number (001 field) and is more than a month old, look to see if there is a note saying a question was forwarded to Serial Cataloging Librarian.
    • If no, then resend to cataloging with a note asking about the status.  
    • If yes, flag your message to remind you to follow-up in about a month. Add your initials in the bib at the end of the 993 field.
  3. If bib does not have OCLC number (001 field); it should have a 947 note stating “needs original cataloging.”  If this note is more than a month old, then check OCLC for an appropriate record.
    • If found overlay the brief bib with the OCLC record and add a note to the 947 stating “OCLC record located; original cataloging no longer required”; send to cataloging with a status update
    • If no record found, flag your message to remind you to follow-up in about a month. Add your initials in the bib at the end of the 947 field.

Review the holdings information. The dates in the public display should match the holdings.


Review for BIB LVL= s Journal/Serial 

If the BIB LVL=s, and there is an internet Item Record attached, delete the IR and replace it with a check in placeholder.

Any integrating resource goes to LS1.


Check for u222 (Alt title).Each t245, u246, u210, 130, needs a u222.

(Only one 222 is needed if the title is the same or nearly the same in one or more of the fields).

How to correctly create a 222.

  • Example: Title begins with non-generic (not a, an, the, and).
    • u222  0 Bulletin (Philadelphia Museum).
  • Example: Title begins with generic word (a, an, the, and)
    • For "a" u222  2 A Knowledge is Power
    • For "an" u222  3 An Apple is Red
    • For "the" u222 4 The Apple is Red
    • For "and" u222 4 And the Apple is Red

Additionally, remove any delimiters found in a 222.


Check for correct 655


NOTE:  Spacing, Capitalization and Punctuation are important. Must match authority record exactly.


Complete an open access check. If the journal is in an open access database, make sure it has a d690 Open access

To determine true open access, visit the the authority record for the journal database. This can be obtained by searching for the s830 as a title search.

Once you have located the authority record, look for a 690 note.

690 Open Access


Review for Title Changes (780, 785).

If a title change occurs, review to make sure that the 780 and 785 matches the 130 or 245.

Review for typos, correct OCLC numbers and ISSN (if listed).


Check URL format (856) and View Public Display

  • Are indicators correct
    • y 856 40 online only( no print holdings)
    • y 856 41 print + online
    • y 856 42 related resource like searchable database of articles
  • Does it include all the parts of a full 856 field.
    • |uURL
    • |zholdings.  Followed by a period.
    • First words of any local 830 series (double space before & after ” .” if holdings are open)
    • If more than one URL  with 85640 or 85641, then needs a label. If no 830, then use “Provider web site.”

Check if dates in the 856 are appropriate dates for the bib.

  • Yes, proceed.
  • No, give to supervisor for processing.


 Review for any s830 needed particularly if analyzed titles. If it is not there, add it.


Check Serials Solutions Processing 

  • Check 994 for Serials Solutions processing. Does the database name match where the title is profiled in Serials Solutions? And if not profiled in Serials Solutions, is there a 994 SER SOLUTIONS Unable to profile (date/initials) note in the bib record. Note: 994 notes are not needed for titles being reviewed through create list.
    • Yes proceed
    • No, see supervisor
  • Does the url match serials solutions or base url?
    • Yes, proceed
    • No, see supervisor
  • If title is profiled in Serial Solutions , the ISSN should be in 022 of bib record
    • Yes, proceed
    • No, add 022 to the bib record with the Serials Solutions ISSN. Make sure correct your titles match.

Check for Appropriate Attached Records

  • Check for internet check-in or item record. If neither are attached, create dummy check-in record using check-in record template “ermDummy: placeholder record”


Once record is verified and completely correct.

Only do this step if all issues are resolved.

  • All discrepancies are corrected.
  • Route all related messages to Finished folder
  • Add 999 Review Done (date/initials) -> Sent to MR
  • Print from Sierra and send message to MR letting her know the work is done;  carbon copy librarian if reported by someone out of the normal workflow.       

Reviewing Items Returned from Cataloging (monographs)

Monographs coming back from cataloging are reviewed once the newest edition of the monograph is checked in. After review, the checkin box for the monograph is then suppressed.

back from cataloging


  1. Check Cat Dat
  2. BIB LVL=m Monograph
  3. Review if we hold print copies as well as internet. If we do, make sure that location is multi (with internet and other location).
  4. Check for 506: Electronic access limited to UAF current students, faculty, and staff 
  5. Check for appropriate 655.
  6. Check for series 830 and verify matches bib and that all series mentioned in authority record have been included in bib
  7. Check URL format and holdings
  8. View Public Display to ensure URL works and access is available
  9. Check 99x fields are updated and correct
  10. Check Serials Solutions
  11. Once work is complete, add 999  Review done (date/initials) and email interested parties if the problem was reported outside the department
  12. Check for appropriate attached records. For items classed collectively, the item record needs to be linked to the Serial bib. (Note: For variously classed items [the Serial record will be suppressed] then the item record does not link to the Serials bib.)

Questions to CAT can be addressed via v990 QUESTION and then query