RUN ALL LISTS AGAINST ALL GOOD BIBS (unless stated otherwise)
- Empty Check-Ins (Must ask Sierra to run the coverage database utility first)
- Bibs that need to be reviewed for deletion
- Needs 655 Or Needs 655 Removed
- Placeholder checkins need deleted
- Internet item records need deleted
- Tickler Review
Empty Check-Ins (Must ask Sierra to run the coverage database utility first):
- Store Record Type:Checkin[c]
- checkin[c]>scode3[118]>equal[=]>serials solutions[s]
- and checkin[c]>int. note[z]>has[h]>holdings from erm coverage load
- and checkin[c]>MARC856[!]>equal[=]>blank
Note: You must have "Include coverage database information" checked in Sierra to get accurate results. Sierra>>Admin>>Settings>>Create List>>Include database information box (checked).
Bibs that need to be reviewed for deletion:
Brief bibs (ERM holdings)
- bib[b]>bcode3[31]>equal[=]>f
- and bib[b]>linkrec[^]>not exist to[n]>order[o]
- and bib[b]>linkrec[^]>not exist to[n]>item[i]
- and bib[b]>linkrec[^]>not exist to[n]>checkin[c]
Others: (Note: while many law school records have been eliminated, double check to make sure the record is not law before beginning maintenance).
- bib[b]>bcode3[31]>does not equal [!=]>delete [d]
- and bib[b]>Bib LVL[b002]>equal to[=]>Journal/Serial[s]
- and bib[b]>bcode31>does not equal[!=]>Law Converted [L]
- and bib[b]>bcode31>does not equal[!=]>Law-Brief Bib[u]
- and bib[b]>linkrec[^]not exist to [n]>order[o]
- and bib[b]>linkrec[^]>not exist to[n]>item[i]
- and bib[b]>linkrec[^]>not exist to[n]>checkin[c]
- and bib[b]>MARC856[!]>equal to[=]>blank
- and bib[b]>MARC860[!]>equal to[=]>blank
- and bib[b]>MARC655[!]>has[h]>electronic
Needs 655:
- checkin[c]>int. note[z]>has[h]>Holdings from ERM Coverage Load
- and bib[b]>MARC655[!]>all fields do not have[a]>Electronic
Needs 655 removed:
- bib[b]>MARC655[!]>has[h]>electronic journals
- bib[b]>MARC856|u[!]>equal to[=]>blank
- {{{and bib[b]>linked rec[^]>not exist to[n]>checkin[c]
- or checkin[c]>int note[z]>all fields don't have[a]>Holdings from erm}}}<- group together
Until the broken URL project is completed, it may be beneficial to add a line bib[b]>Local Note[v]>all fields don't have[a]>ser proc broken
Also run:
- bib[b]>MARC655[!]>has[h]>electronic newspapers
- bib[b]>MARC856|u[!]>equal to[=]>blank
- {{{and bib[b]>linked rec[^]>not exist to[n]>checkin[c]
- or checkin[c]>int note[z]>all fields don't have[a]>Holdings from erm}}}<- group together
Placeholder checkins need deleted:
- checkin[c]>int. note[z]>has[h]>Holdings from ERM Coverage Load
- and checkin[c]>int. note[z]>has[h]>Placeholder for ERM coverage and internet location
- Use this list as a review list to run 'Store Record Type:Item' list for only checkins with Placeholder int. note.
Internet item records need deleted:
- checkin[c]>scode3[118]>equal to[=]>serial solution[s]
- {{{and item[i]>location[79]>equal to[=]>internet resource[inter]
- and item[i]>itype[61]>equal to[=]>internet resource[43]
- and item[i]>status[88]>equal to[=]>on internet[j]}}}<- group together
- Use this list as a review list to run 'Store Record Type:Item' list for deletion.
Tickler Review
Review ticklers in check in records:
Store record type: checkin C
- checkin[c]>location[40]>equal[=]>internet resource[inter]
- and checkin[c]>Ticklerlog[u]>not equal top[!=]>blank
- After creating list, if necessary export the list into an excel to review for correctly entered tickler information, paying particular attention to date entry. For information on how to export the ticklers into an excel file see the tickler Research Guide page.
and then review ticklers in resource records:
Store record type: Resource e
- Resource[e]>Tickler log[c]>not equal to[!=]>blank
- and Resource[e]>Rights Type[172]>not equal to[!=]>Licensed Law[L]
List should be run with the following search strategies:
Bibs that need 655:
Brief bibs that need 222:
checkin[c]>resource id[p]>has[h]>xxxx [resource id]
and bib[b]>bcode3[31]>equals[=]>ERM[f]
and bib[b]>MARC222[!]>equals[=]>[leave blank]
Bib needs appropriate 856 removed:
- Use review list from Load 1.
Bibs that need 690 (For Open Access Packages Only):
List should be run with the following search strategies:
- Delete Candidate List
- Empty Checkins
- Bibs to Delete
- Bibs that need 655
- Bibs that need 222
- Bibs that need 690 (For Open Access packages only)
- Choosing which Databases to Reload
Delete Candidate List:
Empty Checkins:
Bibs to Delete:
Review against "Original 830 List"
and bib[b]>linkrec[^]>not exist to[n]>order[o]
and bib[b]>linkrec[^]>not exist to[n]>item[i]
and bib[b]>linkrec[^]>not exist to[n]>checkin[c]
Bibs that need 655:
Brief bibs that need 222:
checkin[c]>resource id[p]>has[h]>xxxx [resource id]
and bib[b]>bcode3[31]>equals[=]>ERM[f]
and bib[b]>MARC222[!]>equals[=]>[leave blank]
Bibs that need 690 (For Open Access Packages Only):
Choosing which databases to reload: These searches have been superseded by the new frequency schedule which can be found on the next tab.
Brief Bibs Cat Loads:
- Store record type: Resource [e]
- Resource[e]>Load Type[177]>equal to[=]>Brief Cat Load[b]
- and Resource[e]>Resource Status[178]>equal to[=]>Active[-]
- and Resource[e]>Load Date[195]>less than or equal to[<=]>Choose a date
- and Resource[e]>Rights Type[172]>not equal to[!=]>open access [o]
Full Bibs Cat Loads:
- Store record type: Resource [e]
- Resource[e]>Load Type[177]>equal to[=]>Full Cat loads[f]
- and Resource[e]>Resource Status[178]>not equal to[!=]>Inactive[i]
- and Resource[e]>Load Date[195]>less than or equal to[<=]>Choose a date
- and Resource[e]>Rights Type[172]>not equal to[!=]>open access [o]
Open Access Databases with Brief Bibs:
- Store record type: Resource [e]
- Resource[e]>Rights Type[172]>equal to[=]>Open access[o]
- and Resource[e]>Resource Status[178]>not equal to[!=]>Inactive[i]
- and Resource[e]>Load Type[177]>equal to[=]>Brief Cat Load[b]
- and Resource[e]>Load Date[195]>less than or equal to[<=]>Choose a date
Open Access Databases with Fully Cataloged Bibs:
- Store record type: Resource [e]
- Resource[e]>Rights Type[172]>equal to[=]>Open access[o]
- and Resource[e]>Resource Status[178]>not equal to[!=]>Inactive[i]
- andResource[e]>Load Type[177]>equal to[=]>Full cat load[f]
- and Resource[e]>Load Date[195]>less than or equal to[<=]>Choose a date
Note: Open access databases need the 690 Open access added or removed depending on the situation.
A reload frequency note has been added to Resource records to denote when a group of resources should be reloaded.
The list contains the following reload schedules:
- Reload Frequency: Monthly
- Reload Frequency: Every six months
- Reload Frequency: Yearly
- Reload Frequency: Every three months
Ticklers have been set up in selected resources to send an email to the eSerials box to remind the eSerials staff to run one of the lists below and reload the selected resources.
CreateList Search Strategies
For monthly:
- Store record type Resource e
- Resource [e]>>Resource Status[178]>>=>>-
- and Resource [e]>>Staff Note[n]>>has>>Reload Frequency: Monthly
For every six months
- Store record type Resource e
- Resource [e]>>Resource Status[178]>>=>>-
- and Resource [e]>>Staff Note[n]>>has>>eload Frequency: Every six months
For every three months
- Store record type Resource e
- Resource [e]>>Resource Status[178]>>=>>-
- and Resource [e]>>Staff Note[n]>>has>>Reload Frequency: Every three months
For yearly
- Store record type Resource e
- Resource [e]>>Resource Status[178]>>=>>-
- and Resource [e]>>Staff Note[n]>>has>>Reload Frequency: Yearly
For information regarding how to use the createlist module see:
Sierra Create Lists