EndNote Exporting and Importing Instructions

Help with exporting citations from library databases into your EndNote account.

NASA Astrophysics Data System: ADS

  1. Search for the record(s) you wish to export.
    1. Select the record(s) by clicking the checkbox(es) to the left of the record.
    2. On the top-right of the results, click Export and then click in EndNote .
    3. On the next screen, click Download to File .
    4. If prompted, save the file; it will have an .ENW extension.
  2. Log in to EndNote.
    1. Under the Collect tab, select Import References .
    2. Click Browse to locate the saved file.
    3. From the Import Option drop-down menu, select EndNote Import .
    4. From the To drop-down menu, select the group where you would like the record to be placed.
    5. Finally, click Import.