EndNote Exporting and Importing Instructions

Help with exporting citations from library databases into your EndNote account.

ASCE Library (American Society of Civil Engineers)

  1. Search for the record(s) you wish to export.
    1. To view a record, click its title.
    2. Click Tools, then Download Citation .
    3. On the next page, select RIS (ProCite, Reference Manager) from the drop-down menu.
    4. Finally, click Download .
    5. If prompted, save the file; it will have an .RIS extension.
  2. Log in to EndNote.
    1. Under the Collect tab, select Import References .
    2. Click Browse to locate the saved file.
    3. From the Import Option drop-down menu, select RefMan RIS .
    4. From the To drop-down menu, select the group where you would like the record to be placed.
    5. Finally, click Import .