EndNote Exporting and Importing Instructions

Help with exporting citations from library databases into your EndNote account.

Web of Science

Direct Import to EndNote Web

  1. Search for the record(s) you wish to export.
    1. Select the record(s) by clicking the checkbox(es) to the left of the record(s).
    2. At the top of the results, click Export and then select EndNote online .
    3. In the pop-up:
      1. Under Record Options
        1. If any records are marked, the You have selected * results for export should be selected by default.
        2. Alternatively, select All records on page to export all records on the current page.
        3. Alternatively, select Records from and enter a range of records. At most 500 records can be exported at one time.
      2. Under Record Content, select Full Record .
      3. On the bottom left, click Export .
  2. If prompted, login using your EndNote Online credentials.
  3. The records will be found in the Unfiled group in EndNote Online.


To save a set of records (without marking each one)

  1. At the bottom of the results page, choose Select Page and then Save to EndNote Online.
  2. You can choose to show up to 50 items on each page. 
  3. If you are logged in to EndNote already, the citation is imported directly.
  4. If you aren't logged in to EndNote, a box will appear prompting you to enter your EndNote user name and password. Once you do, the item is imported. (You may have to refresh your EndNote session to view the imported citation).