Note, in some cases, full bibliographic metadata may not be available, especially for older newspaper files. Please review your imported citations carefully.
Legacy Interface
- Search for the desired item and view the full record.
- Click the link "Citation...Export" on the upper left of the document viewer.
- You will be promoted to save the citation as an *.RIS file.
- Log in to EndNote.
- Under the Collect tab, select Import References.
- Click Browse to locate the saved file.
- Under filter, select RefMan RIS.
- Select the group where you would like the record to be placed, then click Import.
Readex AllSearch (New Interface)
- Search for the record(s) you wish to export.
- To view a record, click its title.
- Above the title, click the Cite
- Finally, click RIS.txt .
- If prompted, save the file; it will have a .RIS extension.
- Log in to EndNote.
- Under the Collect tab, select Import References .
- Click Browse to locate the saved file.
- From the Import Option drop-down menu, select RefMan RIS .
- From the To drop-down menu, select the group where you would like the record to be placed.
- Finally, click Import .