StaffGuide: Receiving & Processing

Canceled/Dropped Titles

GENERAL DROPPED/CANCELED TITLE PROCEDURES (also known as "Subscription Overlap"):

As you find the record, if you find that a title has been dropped/canceled for any reason (this could be listed in the check-in record if one still exists, or the bibliographic record as a 947 local note) use the following procedure:

Determining a Dropped/Canceled title:

Dropped/Canceled titles should contain a Local 947 note in the bib record detailing the drop:

LOCAL NOTE    947              DROPPED: Cancel print w/ v.105 (2016). (11/29/16 jdr)

However, in some cases, you will receive a title in which the drop has occurred, but the title hasn't made it through cataloging; therefore no Local Note 947 will be available. In these instances, you must use the Check-in record notes to recognize the dropped/canceled title: 

Note    DROP SENT TO CAT (02/20/17 anm)
Note    DROP: Cancel subscription w/ v.31 no.1 (Fall 2016) ; COUNTED as 1 cancel PERIODICAL print paid primary  (09/08/16 anm)

Once you've determined that a title has been dropped/canceled proceed to the following procedure:

  1. Write “Dropped title (d/i)” on a white flag (or sticky note) and place the flag in the publication.
  2. Pass the publication to the Receiving Specialist for review.
    1. If the position who is responsible for reviewing Dropped/Canceled titles becomes vacant, place the item on the Dropped/Canceled titles Shelf in Serials. If you notice that the shelf contains several issues of a publication (usually 3 or more), alert your supervisor that the title needs to be reviewed.

For more info on how to process issues of Dropped Titles/Subscription Overlaps, check out the Subscription Overlap page in the Serials Processing section.

Pending Drops


The pending drop and dropped title processes and workflows are triggered when: 

  • The university is cancelling a paid subscription,
  • Has chosen to cancel the print subscription in favor of starting or keeping the other format (i.e. online) subscription, or
  • The print format of the publication has ceased and will be available online only.

If a journal is going to be dropped, check in record notes at the top will alert you of the drop and trigger the drop workflow.   

Pending Drop NotesFor the last issue that we are scheduled to receive for a dropped title, you will check in the issue in normally, then report receipt of the issue to the Receiving Specialist. Currently, as of Fall 2020, the preferred method of reporting dropped titles is using the Google sheet entitled "Physical Format Drop Notifications" located in the Print Serials and Gifts channel of the Serials team in Microsoft Teams.Check with the Receiving Specialist for the preferred method of reporting the last issue of a pending drop.

If you receive an issue for a title that has already been dropped and all paid issues have been received, follow the procedure for dropped titles.

Cancellations & Drops

Go to Card tab: 

  1. Add 2 boxes to the end of the record.
  2. N-BLANK box with public drop note (D/I). Examples:
  • Print ceased, MAIN archival copy not wanted
  • Ceased publication
  • Cancel print
  • Cancel subscription
  • MAIN copy not wanted
  1. Suppressed EXPECTED box, dated 12-22-30

Go to Record tab: 

  1. Add TOP NOTE, beginning w/  “DROP: …   ”. Examples: 
  • DROP:  Cancel print w/ … ; DROP:  Cancel subscription w/ …
  • DROP:  Print ceased, MAIN archival copy not wanted
  1. Add semi-colon (; ) and count information. Examples:
  • ; counted as 1 cancel PERIODICAL print paid primary
  • ; counted as 1 drop CONTINUATION print XXXX primary
  1. Add other relevant information. Examples:
  1. Add date and initials. Example of complete top note:
  • DROP:  Print ceased, MAIN archival copy not wanted; counted as 1 cancel PERIODICAL print paid primary; RETAIN URL (08/22/12mmm)

Count Drop or Cancelled Titles statistic

Add to Drop spreadsheet

Drop is ready for processing


During the drop initiation process you should check the URL in the bib record to ensure that it is working. If you encounter a broken URL you should do the following: 

In the bib record create a Local Note 947, alerting serials to replace the broken URL. (If you can find a working URL, you can link it here so that serials can include it.

Drop Broken URL Bib Note

In the check-in record, amend the drop note to reflect the broken URL.  For example: 

Drop Broken URL Record Note

In this example, the Drop Note contained the wording: "REPLACE BROKEN URL/CHECK OUT 947 W/NEW URL." After eserials review the Local Note with the URL, they accepted the new URL and added: "URL REPLACED BY ESER" to the drop note.

Drop notes in check-in record:

Format for a pending drop note:

PENDING DROP [if dropping 2nd copy add word "DUPLICATE"]: "reason" w/ ; [add claims resolved note if claims agent resolved claims]; when last issue recd, 3x5 w/ label and send to R3/ANM; [IF NEEDED: ADD "ESER REVIEW / DECISION ON URL"]; COUNT as 1 [cancel or drop] [PERIODICAL or CONTINUATION] [print,cd-rom, or dvd-rom] [paid or gift] [if dropping 2nd copy add word "DUPLICATE"] primary (d/i)

Examples of pending drop notes:

PENDING DROP: Cancel subscription w/ ; when last issue recd, 3x5 w/ label and send to R3/ANM; COUNT as 1 cancel PERIODICAL print paid primary  (d/i)

PENDING DROP: Cancel print w/ ; when last issue recd, 3x5 w/ label and send to R3/ANM; ESER REVIEW; COUNT as 1 drop CONTINUATION print gift primary (d/i)

PENDING DROP DUPLICATE: Cancel microfiche subscription w/; when last issue recd, 3x5 w/ label and send to R3/ANM; COUNT as 1 cancel PERIODICAL microfiche paid primary (d/i)

PENDING DROP: Print ceased w/ ; going online only; when last issue recd, 3x5 w/ label and send to R3/ANM; ESER REVIEW; COUNT as 1 drop PERIODICAL print paid primary (d/i)

PENDING DROP: Ceased publication w/ ; when last issue recd, 3x5 w/ label and send to R3/ANM; RETAIN URL; COUNT as 1 drop CONTINUATION print gift primary (d/i)

In check in CARD:

  • Add blank box after last issue to be received w/ box note=     [reason for drop] & date/initials   [i.e. "Cancel subscription (d/i)]
  • Make an expected box after the blank box w/ expected date= 12/22/2022;  suppress from public view.


1st top note in the check in record: "DROP COMPLETED: delete pending barcoding/binding. (d/i)

2nd top note in the check in record:DROP BACK FROM CAT: drop paperwork sent to JC. COPIES sent to BIND / PER. (d/i)

Another example of a 2nd top note in the check in record: DROP BACK FROM CAT: drop paperwork sent to JC. COPY sent to BIND / ARKCO. (d/i)

(Notification of a title to drop comes from the Serials Supervisor.)

Drop Paperwork – Order of compilation.

  1. Drop sheet
  2. Copy of most recent order record
  3. Copy of check in record(s)
  4. Copies of check in card(s) / Kardex / Shelflist
  5. Correspondence; most recent first
  6. Item Record Summary

Multiple Records -  Order of importance. Paper always goes before other formats.

  1. Arkco/ Spco
  2. Ref / Indx
  3. Gov Ref
  4. Main/ Per
  5. Bind
  6. Other branch libraries
  7. AV
  8. Microform (fiche, film)
  9. CDs

Note: In record, if S code 2 = p, c, 5, 7 = they are cancellation projects [5=SR95; 7=SP97]

Count note usually = unbound; check for binding notes.

Uncounted items may be discarded by Binding; counted items must be withdrawn by Cataloging.


When starting a drop:

  • Fill out the drop sheet thru line 2; if there is more than one location for a title, an additional drop sheet will need to be filled out for that location. Mark beside the word “location”: 1 of 2, 2 of 2, etc. You only need to print out the check in record (s) for the additional location. Separate locations are stapled at top left corner and then all locations stapled at top right corner upon completion.
    • ​​**For dropped titles, check for a URL in the record. Mark the correct box on the drop sheet; the Continuations Supervisor will need to make URL decision if it is not currently in the bib record. If a current URL is identified for a paid title, send an email to Continuations Supervisor to review for addition to the bibliographic record. If it is a non paid title; put link in check in record & flag Serials Supervisor to review for adding to bibliographic record.
    • **For print cancellations, go to public display and click on internet link; check to see if it matches Internet 860 field in bibliographic record. If it does not work or does not match, then there is a problem. Notify the Serials Supervisor immediately to review and confer with Department Head. Hopefully the problem will be resolved by the time the drop is completed.
  • If there is more than one check in record, paperwork for each check in record is stapled together at the top right corner.
  • Retrieve any Kardex and shelf list cards; make copies using darkest setting on copier; Kardex cards may be discarded after copying; re-file shelf list cards.
  • Pull claim slips make notes re: drop, if issue not received; or date of receipt if issue has arrived.
  • Photocopy any claim slips returned from publisher stating that the publication has ceased, no longer published, etc. Include the photocopy with the drop paperwork.
  • Check correspondence file (top drawer claims desk)
  • Check replacement file (claims desk); if a replacement issue is on order; alert Serials Supervisor
  • Clean up check in records; remove unnecessary notes. Add note “Drop in process (date/initials)” to check in record when drop started.
  • In the check in card, there should be a blank box at the end of the card with public note stating the reason for the drop; add an expected box at end of  the card with the expected date of 12/12/2012; suppress this box from public view. Change card status to “filled”.
  • Print out records (bib, check-in record, check-in card, order record, and summary)
  • Do not list Lib Has on sheet until a review of holdings is conducted
  • Any title with limited retention, contact subject specialist for retention decisions; use Head of Reference for general reference works only. Send copy of email to Head of Reference for any 2nd request for decision to subject specialist. [See Staff Web [Collection Management – Collection Development] for Subject Specialists listed by subject areas or call number]. Any title located in compact storage, contact Serials Librarian for retention decisions.
  • After filling out the drop sheet, making copies/print outs of records, pulling claims & correspondence, go to locations and verify holdings. Make item records as needed to complete record. Make a new print out of the summary if item records have been added.
  • If pieces are missing, search 3 times at approximately weekly intervals before completing drop, noting search dates on drop sheet.
  • Complete information on the drop sheet. Date & initial on line 7.
  • Note: any duplicate issues may need to be discarded or withdrawn; give to Serials Supervisor along with completed drop sheets.
  • Serials Supervisor reviews drop paperwork & initials before sending to Cataloging.

When drop is ready to be sent to Cataloging:

  • Copies of the drop sheet need to be made for each location, for Binding (if bound title), and for Exchange agent if it is an exchange title. File copies in folder “Drops sent to Cataloging” and give original drop paperwork to Cataloging.  An additional copy of the drop sheet should be made to send with any loose issues that are going to binding.

When drop returns from Cataloging:

  • Remove the copies from the “Drops sent to Cataloging” folder and send to location (main only can be discarded); make additional photocopies for exchange titles and a copy to go with issues being sent to binding.
  • Check the 860 (holdings) and 947 (reason for drop) fields for changes made by cataloging. Notify the Serials Supervisor of any discrepancies between their notes and information on drop sheet.
  • Sort paid from unpaid titles. Paid titles go to Serials Accountant for order record archiving; non-paid order records are archived by Serials Maintenance.
  • To archive an order record, change Code3 to “r”; add “I” note “Archive: 9A” (use current code); verify that the reason for drop has been noted in the order record with a “z” note.
  • If all issues in the check in record have been bound or barcoded, the check in card may be deleted. If issues are still to be bound or have not been barcoded, add note to check in record “Drop completed, delete pending barcoding/binding (date/initials)”.
  • Write the fiscal year in red at the top of the drop before filing.


Drop & Withdraw:  Discard all issues at time of drop.

Drop:  Discard issues based on limited retention schedule.        

Below is a email template that can be used when contacting a subject specialist for print ceased moving to online only decision. The template is available via copying pasting from this window, or downloading the Word file.

Public display url
call number
url in bib or check-in or from publisher
     list internet holdings here

Dear (Subject Specialist),

Print ceased with v.# date and is moving to online only. We currently have online access to/from ____________. Because of the drop in print, if you would like to retain access future issues, we will need to convert to online only.

This appears it will require original cataloging. (ONLY USE IF NO RECORD FOUND IN OCLC.)

Would you like for us to convert to online only?

Awaiting your decision,