StaffGuide: Receiving & Processing

CDs / DVDs Overview

CDs / DVDs Overview


******Starting in Fall 2018, give all non-special collections media format supplements to the Receiving Specialist for review. If the media format is going to ARKOD or is not supplemental, process as usual.

Occasionally, we will receive titles on CD-ROM or other media format that must be checked in.

  • Check the media in normally.
  • You will be prompted to create an item record and barcode. Create the item record, following the create record procedure, but do not label or physically place the barcode on the media case or item.
  • Print spine label from the item record and, along with the large check-in label and barcode, adhere the labels to a waxy paper sheet. Place the waxy paper sheet inside the media case.
  • Tally the check-in in the appropriate non-print statistics sheet box.
  • Deliver the media material to the Authority Control Manager for labeling. After they are done labeling, the material will be placed on the appropriate pick up shelf in Content Services.


Note about claimed media: If the media was claimed, follow the check in procedure, complete the claim slip procedure, and deliver the media to the Authority Control Manager to label and place on the appropriate pick up shelf in Content Services. This will ensure that the claims are resolved before it is labeled.

Guidelines and Procedures for CDs/DVDs

Media Format Guidelines and Procedures for the Receiving Specialist and the Serials Processing Specialist


NOTE: Media formats include CD-ROMS, DVD-ROMS, Audio CDs, and DVDs. In Serials we mostly handle CD-ROMS, DVD-ROMS, and Audio CDs.

NOTE: The term CD/DVD is used in OneSearch - not computer disk or computer file.

NOTE: The barcode and labels will be applied on the case by the Authority Control Manager. Also the Authority Control Manager will hand write the call number on the circular center labels that are applied to media formats.

General Information


  • Print the call number label from the CD-ROM item record. Specifics on how to print from item records can be found in the Labeling section of the StaffGuide. Note that the call number label should have CD-ROM at the end of it.Place labels and barcode on a waxy label. Do not apply to the case because the Authority Control Manager will do that.
  • Count the media format on the non-print (counted only by Serials) statistics sheet appropriately. If you have questions on how to count it, please ask the Serials Processing Specialist.
  • (The Authority Control Manager in Cataloging does this. Serials does not do this): Place the call number label on the front of the case in the top left-hand corner. Place the larger label on the back of the case.
  • (The Authority Control Manager in Cataloging does this.Serials does not do this): Place the media format on the appropriate pick up shelf in Content Services.

CD Rom Labels



Most media format titles with check-in records will have the instructions for which Itype, location, and status to use. More information on these features and item record creation can be found on the Creating Item Records page.

I. New subscription / Format change


Serials Receiving Specialist: If the media format is a new subscription or if the format changes from print to media format, the first media format will need to be given to the Serials Processing Specialist for review.

II. Media format that accompanies an issue/volume as a supplement


Serials Receiving Specialist: Check in the print issue and then give the print issue and media format to the Serials Processing Specialist for review.

Serials Processing Specialist: Review the print issue and media format. If the media format is truly a supplement to that print issue, do the following:

  • Go ahead and security strip the print copy accompanied by the CD-ROM.
  • Add a supplement box for CD-ROM sup. after the print issue box.
  • If a title is printed on the CD-ROM, Add the CD-ROM title as a public note. For Example: "CD-ROM: (Media format title)" 
  • After checking in the CD-ROM sup., hold on to CD-ROM sup. labels for now until the issue and CD-ROM sup. return back from Binding.
  • After adding "@serials: sent to binding (d/i)" to the public notes for the print issue and the audio CD sup., send the print copy and CD-ROM sup. to Preservation. Preservation will adhere a pocket to a stiff 8.5" x 11" acid-free backing and insert the disc in the pocket. After Preservation is done, the issue and CD-ROM sup. will be returned to the Serials Processing Specialist in Serials along with an enclosure that the items will be placed in. 

  • After the CD-ROM sup. returns from Preservation, proceed to label the backing sheet with the check-in record labels. The labels will be placed near the top left corner of the backing sheet.

  • Label the enclosure provided by Preservation with labels printed from a suppressed skeleton item record. This item record is only used for the creation of specialized labels.

    • Your volume field will look like this "v.26:1-2 & CD-ROM sup.".

    • The labels from the skeleton item record will be placed near the top left corner of the envelope.

  • The print and CD-ROM sup. will be placed inside the enclosure.

  • Finally, send the issue and CD-ROM sup. to the Authority Control Manager.The CD-ROM sup. will receive a circular center label with the call number on it.After this is done then the Authority Control Manager will place the enclosed material on the appropriate pick up shelf.

3. If there is a booklet of information or instructions in the CD-ROM case, insert a message field in the item record and key in the word booklet.

4. Examples of print accompanied by media formatted supplements: Metamorphoses, Oxford American

III. Media format that is a complete volume/year(s)--Added copies

Receiving Specialist:  If the media format covers a year or more, check the bib record to see if the 860 (LIB HAS) field includes a CD-ROM/DVD-ROM copy. If the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM copy is open in the LIB HAS, and you have received a later complete vol./yr., follow the iType, location, and status directions in the check-in record and check-in the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM. Give to the Serials Processing Specialist if it needs to be reviewed.

            Example of item record:  v.15-16 2000 CD-ROM

Check in the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM in a separate check-in record and use the Identity = CD-ROM OR DVD-ROM

These complete vols / years are considered “added copies” and NOT supplements. Serials Processing Specialist does not need to see these CD’s once the check-in record has been set up and the LIB HAS for the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM is open.

The bib record will have an 860 field. There will be a search sheet that accompanies the first volume(s).

2. If the CD-ROM/DVD-ROM supersedes a previous one already check-in, complete a CD-ROM/DVD-ROM routing form to withdraw the superseded CD/DVD.

            Example:  We receive a 1998-1999 CD-ROM covering the 1998-1999 issues. We earlier received and checked-in a 1998 CD covering the 1998 issues. We no longer need the 1998 CD; it needs to be withdrawn.


Example:  CD-ROM/DVD-ROM is format of one or occasional issues of print subscription. These could be regular or irregular. They could be “in place of” or “in addition to” the print copy.

Receiving Specialist: 1st issue received:  Give issues to Serials Processing Specialist to determine if we want to add to the library holdings.

Receiving Specialist: Subsequent issues received:  Give issues to Serials Processing Specialist to complete paper work for 1x added copy



1. When complete vols/ years CD-ROM is returned from cataloging, the bib record should include 500 and 860 notes.

  • A) Serials Processing Specialist will add “1” to the statistics sheet under the “current title count” as a DUP. In most cases, it will be a PAID DUP.
  • B) Serials Processing Specialist creates a new check-in record for the CD-ROM and adds a bind info note, which shall permanently remain in the check-in record:  CD-ROM has been counted as PAID DUP on (date/initials)—(providing the date that it was added to the statistics & the initials of the person who added the copy to statistics).
  • C) Serials Accountant is given a copy to edit the print order record. A note is added to the order record: ALSO RECEIVE ON CD-ROM 1996—

2. When the CD-ROM is no longer received, a drop is done for the added copy.