StaffGuide: Receiving & Processing

Connexion Browser Documentation

More information on Connexion browser documentation:

OCLC Connexion Client Training

Connexion Client Training:

OCLC offers live and recorded training options on Connexion client.

Changes to exporting from OCLC (October 2021)

From Director of Content Services on 10/14/2021: 

The Content Services Implementation Group for Alma met and concurred that a way to make our lives easier as we continue with print to electronic (P2E) cleanup was to change our main bibliographic load table to strip 856 fields from incoming records.

This load table should continue to be used for all physical items cataloged, and for these we no longer want links for electronic versions (856 41) or related electronic material such as online table of contents, contributor bios, etc. (856 42). This way you won’t have to look for those fields and delete them.

For those of you who catalog electronic resources, please use the new “e” load table when exporting records from OCLC. (Specialized load tables will continue to be used for batch loading.) You will need to use field 949  *recs=e; in the OCLC record. This load table will allow 856 40 links for the actual resource to come in. We still don’t want links for other versions of the resource or related resources.

Finally, for manuscript collections, we have created the load table “manuscripts” that will allow 856 42 links for the finding aid to come in (949  *recs=manuscripts;). We will be evaluating how to handle these in Alma.

OCLC Local Holdings Records

Sign into

For more information about leader, 007, 008, 852, 853, 863, and 866:









For a more in-depth guide check out the Serials Cataloging StaffGuide section about Serials Summary Holdings.

OCLC: When to Input a New Record

More information on when to input a new record:

Tools and Links