StaffGuide: Receiving & Processing

Change in Status

Categories of the different types of changes in status:

From paid subscription to gift: publisher decides to go from a paid subscription to offering the publication as a gift to its subscribers.

From gift to paid subscription: publication is no longer free and the subject selector decides that the library will pay for a subscription.

From exchange to gift: exchange ceased but the exchange partner continues to send the publication to our library as a gift.

Adding notes to the check in record and check in card: 

Pending notes for the check in record:

  • When Serials finds out in advance about a pending change in status, we have to add notes to the check in record and the check in card to let other library staff know what is going on.
  • Add change in status note: While the change in status is pending, add a note field underneath the "~~PARAMETERS:" note in the check in record.
    • For example:  "-----CHANGE IN STATUS: "The type of old status"  w/ "last issue of old status" ; changed to "The type of new status" starting w/ "the lst issue of the new status" ; [Statistic notes about the drop and the add] COUNTED as 1 drop "the type of I TYPE" "the type of format" "the type of status" primary; COUNTED as 1 ADD "the type of I TYPE" "the type of format" "the type of status" primary (date and initials)".
    • Real example: -----CHANGE IN STATUS: Drop effective immediately w/ v.44 no.5 Jun. 2015; changed to GIFT STATUS; WILL RECEIVE GIFT UNTIL AUG. 2018; COUNTED as 1 drop PERIODICAL print paid primary; COUNTED as 1 add PERIODICAL print gift primary (05/20/15 anm)
  • If we haven't received all the issues of the old status yet and you need to review at time of receiving the 1st issue of the new status, add a message field:
    • "Change in status from "   " to "  " w/ "YYYY"; notify the "Receiving Specialist" when 1st "type of new status" copy recd (date and initials)".
    • Real example of the message field: "Change in status from paid to gift  w/ "2018"; notify Ashley when the 1st gift copy recd (07/10/17 anm)
  • FYI: the pending change in status means that we know the change will happen in the near future but we still have remaining issues to be received.
  • Image of a change in status notated in the check in record.

​Add suppressed boxes in the check in card: 

  • Add a blank box between the last issue to be received with the old status and the 1st issue of the new status.
    • Add public note in the box: "Chg in status from "type of old status" to "type of new status" starting w/ (YYYY) (date and initials)".
    • You can use the staff note to add any additional information that may be useful to other library staff.
    • Suppress box from public view.

Image of change In status boxes in the check in card in Sierra.