Process for subscription overlaps of cancelations:
- A subscription overlap happens when we receive an issue or issues after the expiration date of a subscription of a canceled title.
- When you receive your first issue of a subscription overlap, create a subscription overlap item record to keep track of all the issues received after the expiration period.
- The fields in the Serials 1x add item record should look like this:
Instructions on how to create fields in the item record for subscription overlaps:
- After selecting to create a single item in Sierra, select item record template: "ser1x: serials 1x adds".
- In the volume field, add the enumeration and cover date of the first issue you received that is considered outside the subscription period. For example you received v.66 no.2 (February 2020). You would enter "v.66 no.2- (F 2020)-" in the volume field.
- NOTE : SUBSCRIPTION OVERLAP: Cancel subscription w/ v.66 no.1 (Jan 2020) (02/25/20 anm)
- NOTE : Received: v.66 no.2 (F 2020) (02/25/20 anm);
Review of Subscription overlaps:
As subscription overlaps happen, it is a good idea to periodically review them. Two scenarios are listed below that could possible happen.
Scenario 1: Most of the time, an invoice will come in later in the year and it is discovered that we must go ahead and pay for the next subscription period after the cancelation has happened.Sometimes this happens because the cancelation failed to be implemented on the publisher and/or vendor's end and the new subscription period was automatically renewed.
- Acquisitions (Accounts Payable Manager) will let the Receiving Specialist know if the subscription was renewed and we must adjust the cancelation. This is why it is important to keep up with subscription overlaps. We will end up checking in the issues after it is confirmed that we renewed for another subscription period.
- If this scenario happens and confirmed with Serials Acquisitions, proceed to:
- Recreate check in record if it has been deleted. If the check in record still exist, proceed to use it and undo the cancelation.
- Check to see if the library holdings need to be reopened and updated. Also, check the library holdings record in OCLC Connexion.
- Adjust the new cancelation expiration date if we are still going to cancel the title.
- If the current issues of the title are going to a location such as (chem, falpe, per, pers, physp), make sure the location personnel know that the title was renewed and a shelf tag and resumption of current issue statistics need to be done.
Scenario 2: The vendor has noted our cancelation, however, the publisher never received the cancelation information or the publisher's system never received the cancelation, thus, we still receive issues.
- Email template to send the publisher to correct this type of situation:
To whom it may concern:
I’m the [job title] at the University of Arkansas Libraries and I'm contacting you regarding [publication title].
We canceled our subscription to [publication title] but somehow we are still receiving issues. I’d like to make sure that we are removed from your distribution list for these publications and ask what I should do with the issues we just received. If you would provide me with a pre-paid return shipping label, I’d be happy to mail them back to you.
I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,