StaffGuide: Receiving & Processing

Library Annex

Library Annex: 

Items that go directly to the off-site Library Annex (LINX) after check-in have their own pickup shelf (Materials for Storage), which is separate from the rest of the departmental pickup shelves. These items will usually have a location of STORASTORC, or STORM (there are other variations). The LINX (Materials for Storage) pickup shelf is located on the east side of Content Services near the Web Services offices and Content Services Copier Room.

Make sure the item record for the item going to LINX (STORA, STORC, STORM, etc.) has a Status=t (IN TRANSIT) and a Sticky Status=5 (REQUEST THIS ITEM).

Caiasoft S-H-I-P Requests

What if the item record indicates that the item is located in the Library Annex (LOCATION CODES FOR ITEM RECORDS=STORM, STORC, STORA, ETC) and you need to request for it?

Items in the Library Annex:

If an item is located in the Library Annex, also known as LINX, you DO NOT have to physically go get it, as the Library Annex is in a different building several blocks away from campus. However, you can send a S-H-I-P request for the item to be sent to you for review.

Checking Caiasoft:

It is time to check Caiasoft. In order to do this, you or someone in your department needs a Caiasoft account in order to login and check to see if the item was accessioned in Caiasoft (barcode scanned into the Caiasoft system) or not.

If you do not have a Caiasoft account: Let Ashley or Lisa in Serials know that you need help verifying if an item was accessioned or not in Caiasoft. If you want your own account so you can check yourself, you can send your Caiasoft account request to

If you have a Caiasoft account:

  • First, login into Caiasoft.
  • Before sending a S-H-I-P Request, it is important to double check to see if the item was accessioned.
  • Click on the Storage Management link through the left-side navigation.
  •  Copy the barcode number from the item record barcode field from Sierra and paste it into the "Item by Barcode" search engine in Caiasoft. This search engine is located at the top of the web page.
  • Now click on "locate".
  • If the web page reloads and you see an "address" box, a "container" box, and "item" box, then you can tell that the item was accessioned into LINX and it is there.
  • However, if you try to search for the barcode and you see a red box that says "Item 35129XXXXXXXXX does not exist", then you can tell that this item has NOT been accessioned in LINX.If this happens, please notify Ashley or your supervisor so this can be further reviewed.​
  • After confirming that the item is in Caiasoft, you can proceed to send a S-H-I-P Request.

 S-H-I-P Request through Caiasoft:

  • A S-H-I-P (Special Handling, Internal & Preservation) request is a type of Caiasoft job type that is a special circulation type for items retrieved for non-patron use, such as for preservation work, exhibits, faculty holds, etc. Items retrieved on SH-I-P Jobs are listed separately on Items Outstanding and Circulation Metrics and Frequency reports, as to not skew any counts regarding patron use. So this type of request allows us to request for items to be pulled from the Library Annex (LINX) and then sent to Serials so it can be reviewed by us and possibly worked on before going back to LINX.
  • You can watch the video Kathleen created that explains how to make a S-H-I-P Request. It is located in the local network drive called Serials--->LINX folder---->S-H-I-P Request folder or follow the written instructions here:
    • S-H-I-P Request procedures:
      • Click on “Circulation”.

      • Click on “S-H-I-P: Special Handling, Internal & Preservation”.

      • Click on “Add Items”.Note: Once you click on this, it automatically creates a “job” in real time.If you decide that you need to delete your “job," click on "Delete Job".

        1. Designate a “Stop/Location”: So if you want it to come to you in Serials, select “MULN : main”.
        2. Details field: ATTN: “Your First name” “(reminder note of why you created this job).
        3. Item field: This is where the Sierra item record barcode number is going to go.
          1. Click on “Save”.
          2. After saving the item, you can continue to add items to the request.
            1. Every item added is added to the “Items” list at the bottom of the web page.
      • Remember that this is saved in real time. Please add items to your S-H-I-P request in a timely manner because the Library Annex staff can see your S-H-I-P request in real time and might already be working on your request. Try to complete your request within 2 minutes of adding it to the queue.
      • You can see your job in the “Circulation Jobs in Queue” if you click on “Circulation” under the left-side navigation. The queue will be located at the top of the web page.
      • After receiving the item from LINX and your review is done, then you can proceed to update the item record and send the item back to LINX. 
        • Before sending the item back to LINX, make sure to change the item record status to "t" (In Transit) and the sticky status to "5" (Request This Item).
        • Then proceed to hand the item to User Services Staff. User Services Staff will make sure the status is “t” and sticky status “5”, print a receipt, flag the item with the receipt, then place the item in the LINX return bin (green bin). This procedure is only for items already accessioned. Do not use this procedure for items awaiting to be accessioned.

Items Returning from Preservation and then going to LINX (Library Annex)

Items Returning from Preservation and then going to the Library Annex:

  • Already accessioned item / Currently a S-H-I-P requested item / No longer using the item barcode that is in CaiaSoft: Send to the Annex & Stacks Coordinator for review to let them know that we are no longer using the barcode accessioned in CaiaSoft and the item has a new barcode. Print out the CaiaSoft page of the item and print out the Sierra item record. Sometimes items have an enclosure barcode and an item barcode.


  • Currently a S-H-I-P requested item / Item needs to return to LINX / Barcode already accessioned in CaiaSoft and is still being used: 

    After receiving the item from LINX and your review is done, then you can proceed to update the item record and send the item back to LINX.
    Before sending the item back to LINX, make sure to change the item record status to "t" (In Transit) and the sticky status to "5" (Request This Item).
    Then proceed to hand the item to User Services Staff.User Services Staff will make sure the status is “t” and sticky status “5”, print a receipt, flag the item with the receipt, then place the item in the LINX return bin (green bin). This procedure is only for items already accessioned. Do not use this procedure for items awaiting to be accessioned.


  • Please make sure the item is labeled or the call number is written in pencil on the front or back cover.
    • If the item is coming apart but is inside an enclosure, make sure the call number is written on the front and back cover of the item. This might help if the pieces are separated.
  • Sometimes an item will have an enclosure barcode and an item barcode.
    • The enclosure barcode will be the barcode that will be accessioned in CaiaSoft since the easiest barcode to scan when the item is inside an enclosure.
    • In the item record in Sierra, the enclosure barcode will always be listed as the first barcode in the item record then the item barcode will be the second barcode listed.
  • Always check the barcode(s) in CaiaSoft and in Sierra, if applicable.
  • Always keep up with the item barcode no longer being used. We will need to look for this item barcode in CaiaSoft and proceed to review it.
    • If the item barcode that we are no longer going to use is deleted in Sierra, then use the "Union Holdings" module in CaiaSoft to try and find the item in CaiaSoft. Keep in mind that Sierra should always be considered the dominate record. CaiaSoft is not meant to be a completely accurate catalog reproduction at all.
  • Delete unnecessary notes in the item record. 

Special Collections Library Annex Locations

If an item is going to STORA (Arkansas Collection Library Annex), STORS (Special Collections), STORV (Special Collections Library Annex) or other Special Collections Library Annex locations:

Item record status:

  • Status: "t" (In Transit)

  • Sticky Status: "o" (Noncirculating)