Paid Set Up: The University Libraries may decide to seek an ongoing paid subscription through the publisher or vendor. The Accounts Payable Manager will let the Receiving Specialist know about the new paid set up. After finding out about the new paid set up, the Receiving Specialist will initiate the process by exporting an OCLC record or creating a brief bibliographic record, and creating the new check in record. Next, the paperwork and issue(s) will be sent to the Accounts Payable Manager so they can create the paid order record then everything can be sent to cataloging to be cataloged. After everything is cataloged, cataloging will return the paperwork and issue(s) back to the Receiving Specialist to finish up the processing of the new paid title.
You will either export the OCLC record of the serial title or create a brief bibliographic record in Sierra if original cataloging is needed.
LABEL TYPE: n (NO LABEL) [Once the title is cataloged, then you can choose the appropriate label type.]
SCODE1: - ---
SCODE2: - ---
COPIES: [Usually 1 copy but add the appropriate number of copies you will be checking in on the check in record]
LOCATION: Choose the appropriate location designated by the subject selector or the Accounts Payable Manager.
VENDOR: Choose the appropriate vendor code. The Accounts Payable Manager will let you know or after the order record is created you can find the vendor code in there.
SCODE3: Choose the appropriate code. For example, if it is a continuation, then “3” (R3 CONTINUATIONS). If it is not a continuation or newspaper then “r” (R1-R2 CONT). If it is a newspaper then “n” (NEWSPAPERS).
SCODE4: ---
CALL #: OnOrder
NOTE: PENDING NEW PAID SET UP (date and initials)
NOTE(S): You might need to add instruction notes here.
NOTE: Copy/paste URL in a note field. If you can’t find a useful URL, then do not add a URL note.
NOTE: ~~PARAMETERS: (frequency) / (days before claim) (date and initials)
VEN TITLE#: The Accounts Payable Manager will let you know what the vendor title number is. Sometimes, their isn't a vendor title number.
BIND NOTE: Only add a bind note if the title is going to be bound. The note will say “BOUND TITLE".
MESSAGE: Only add a message field if you believe you will receive more issues while the title is waiting to be cataloged. You message can say "Give all issues to the Receiving Specialist (date and initials)".
Remember that the Accounts Payable Manager will create the new paid order record then send the paperwork and issue(s) to cataloging.