StaffGuide: Receiving & Processing

Publish on Demand

Publish on Demand Procedures

When a title is designated as a Publish on Demand title, it means that we check in volumes we have downloaded as PDFs, but we don’t print them or burn to a CD-ROM until a later date. This includes serials which are only a few pages in length and may not stand well on the shelves or wastes a CD with only a few issues. This enables us to conserve our resources and preserve titles by sending more bound volumes to ARKCO than loose issues.

  • When setting up a title with a Publish on Demand decision, add an internal note (Z tag) concerning the printing decision. Include who decided, whether to print in black or white, CD-ROM burning, and any other notes related to printing the online issues. An example of this might be: “Permission to print OOP v.27 no.1 Spr 2012 issue per Editor, Bill Morelan per phone message taken by Judy C. Serials will print this issue when needed for binding (08/17/12mmm)”  
  • Add a Bind Info Note: “NOTIFY SERIALS TO PRINT [ISSUE/LOCATION/TITLE]FOR BINDING PURPOSES (d/i)”  Be sure to identify whether you mean this note to apply for a specific issue only, a location, or the entire title from a specific point onwards.
  • SCODE4= “p” for “Publish on Demand”. This code will also take priority of other electronic conversion codes, such as x, y, or z.
  • When a volume is available, download the file to the Electronic Resources (\\Wright).
  • Change the box’s status to “Arrived”, 1 copy received, and add a public note: “PDF@serials”. No labels will be printed and no item records created.
  • Add staff note to the box: “Will not print pdf until needed for binding or ON DEMAND (d/i).”
  • At the end of the volume or collectable unit, Serials will print all issues and give to binding for boxing, in-house binding, or full binding. If the decision is for CD-Burning, a CD containing all issues will be burned at that time.
  • If a patron or librarian requests an issue which is not yet printed and no longer available online, the file or the printed copy can be provided by serials through “RUSH” processing. If only a print copy is acceptable, Serials will print, label, strip, stamp the issue for patron use. It will be returned to the location and bound in with later issues. Add appropriate notes in the box to reflect this situation.

Capturing and Printing Online Materials for Library Collections


In an effort to preserve, maintain, and provide access to online-only resources, the Serials department will acquire and maintain an electronic resource file containing the digital files of these publications. In addition, as requested by the selectors, the department will convert those electronic resources into a physical format (paper or CD-ROM or DVD) so that they can be processed and preserved like the other physical items in our collections. The following provides the most current guidelines for processing electronic-only publications into physical resources.

The steps involved in this process include:

  1. Review resource
  2. Obtain Selector’s decision
  3. Record creation/maintenance
  4. Capture online publications and save to the Serials Electronic Resource File
  5. Convert online-only publications to a physical format
  6. Process items and paperwork
  7. Establish method to acquire future online-only issues

There are generally two occasions in which the department is alerted to the presence of online-only continuing resources:

  • Resources previously acquired in a physical format which are now only available to the library in electronic or digital form.
  • New resources being discovered by the selector, staff, or other

The most common scenario is the former, where we receive notification or discover in the course of claiming that the publication has switched formats. When the publisher has made a decision to publish in a different format, it is considered a Title Change. A format change can also be accompanied by a subscription change (from paid to free or vice-versa), a title change, frequency change, or other major transformation of the publication. Publishers also frequently go through transitional periods in which some of their issues are online-only and other issues are still published in print. Sometimes the distribution of print occurs only to individual subscribers, or is limited in some other way.


Next, examine the online resource carefully. You should ask yourself these questions:

  1. Can I acquire this resource in a consistent way?
    1. Are issues retained in an online archive?
    2. Are issues freely available online or is there a password?
    3. Are they distributed electronically via email from the publisher?
    4. Will I be able to access this content in the near future?
  2. Can I regularly convert this content into a physical item (Printed document or CD-ROM)?
    1. Are issues in PDF format?
    2. Does the publication update continuously?
    3. Has the publisher used a Pageturner or other flash media application for viewing?
    4. Does the issue now include multimedia content? (Music, spoken word, video?)
  3. Is this publication still recognizable as a single serial entity (journal, newsletter, report)?
    1. Are there identifiable issues available (volumes or dates)?
    2. Does updated content contain dates of revision?
    3. Is content arranged chronologically or by subject?
    4. Can you find the original 245 or 130 title on the website?
  4. What is the publisher’s decision on the present & future distribution and format of this publication?
    1. Open access & online-only from a specific point forward?
    2. Some online-only issues + some print issues?
    3. Distributed via email to individual members only?
    4. Online-only but password protected

You should be prepared to indicate any difficulties with the selector by exploring the online resource in-depth before you discuss conversion. In some cases, it may be impossible to convert or in other cases, there might be a variety of ways to convert your online-only resource.


For most publications which you can convert to print, you want to provide a brief description of the resource containing the following elements:

  • Title & author
  • Link to bib record, if available
  • Link to the resource itself
  • Frequency
  • Online holdings or availability
  • Approximate number of pages per issue
  • If the issues contain color
  • Any special restrictions or instructions on access (passwords, search box, or unusual content delivery method).

Next, based on your observations about the resource, ask the selector the following questions:

  1. Add title and open-access URL?
  2. Print issues for Arkco? [Specify location]
    1. Black & white or Color?
    2. Archival quality paper or regular paper?
    3. Print cover in color only? [Usually offered on larger single issues like annual reports]
  3. Burn to a CD-ROM? [for some titles too large to print or continuously updated titles]
  4. Catalog for internet only
  5. Other?

For printing, a cost estimate can be provided upon request. If the document is generally larger than usual, providing one at the outset may be helpful, especially if the issues are in color. For an easy way to gauge potential costs, see the automatic cost generator within the “Print Jobs” file appropriate for that fiscal year.

If you do not see a way to convert a resource to a physical format, note that with the subject specialist and request that the title be reviewed further for the feasibility of conversion.



**All PDF files are captured and saved to the Serials Department Electronic Resource Drive (Electronic Resources (\\wright))**

The folders should contain complete issues only. Avoid saving incomplete documents or parts of documents as individual files. Below are the resources we currently are able to acquire:

  1. PDF’s
  2. Office Documents (e.g. Word, Excel, Access, Publisher).
  3. HTML pages

We generally do not save the following in the electronic resource file

  1. Multimedia files (Flash, mp4s)
  2. Music (mp3s, wav.)
  3. Pictures (JPEG, TIFF, etc.)
  4. Email
  5. Unknown file types
  6. Obsolete file types

NOTE: Please consult with Systems staff to determine the most appropriate way to handle files of the above nature should you have to acquire this content.

  1. Create a folder for the title in the Serials Electronic Resource File. Folders in the directory are arranged in alphabetical order by title. Each title is recorded directly from the 245 MARC field or 130 MARC field of the corresponding bibliographic record.
  2. Download all available issues, even if they are duplicates of print issues in the catalog.
  3. Request permission from the publisher to print or make available the publisher’s resource to the library (through printing or burning to a CD-ROM). Record this note in the check-in record and request Cataloging note this in the bibliographic record (947 local note MARC field).



  • Go to the “Print Jobs” file for the current fiscal year in the Serials Drive.
  • Add to the In-House Print Jobs tab the issues to be printed. Be sure to use one line per issue and fill out all the required fields.

The staff member in charge of printing will periodically check this list for printing jobs. If you are responsible for printing, please see procedures for Print Job Maintenance.

Issues will be printed, in-house bound, and then checked in as a normal publication.


Burning to CD-ROM

Some electronic-only publications will not be suitable for printing out. Continuously updated content is rarely suitable for printing, and some selectors may choose to burn to a CD-ROM successive issues with large page numbers.



PDF Issues and Quirks

Adjusting Print Margins for PDFs in CutePDF Pro.

Margins for PDFs sometimes need to be adjusted so that printouts can be in-house bound properly.Note: This procedure is only for CutePDF Pro. Adobe Acrobat Professional has no margin editing feature.

  • Open PDF in CutePDF Pro.
  • Click on Impose.
    • Change Layout to "Custom."
    • Make sure Rows and Columns are both set to "1".
    • Change Gutter Position to "Left",
    • Change Gutter Width to 0.500.
    • Change Double Sided to Front-and-Back if you are printing double sided.
    • Click OK.

If you are printing double sided, you still need to change your print settings to print double sided.

Print Margins

Saving PDFs from the Web Browser

When processing the Fayetteville Policies and Procedures and other titles that may require PDF creation from an external source, in most cases it works to copy and paste the text from the browser into a word document and simply save the document as a PDF after any minor adjustments.However, for some Fayetteville Policies and Procedures, you may need to use Google Chrome and select "print this policy" on the website. This will let you create a PDF from the print preview, which will avoid any possible formatting alterations from Microsoft Word, such as with itemized lists (to be explained in more detail below). To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the policy page on the website, click the "print this policy" button, which should appear under the policy's title with a printer icon next to it.

2. In the print preview, change the Destination to "Save as PDF."

3. Click More Settings. Adjust the scale to 150.

4. Widen the margins using CutePDF Pro, following the steps outlined above. If you do not have CutePDF Pro: The margins can be adjusted in Google Chrome. To do this, click More Settings, then Margins, then Custom. You can then set the margins (preferably 1") in the page preview.

Itemized Lists

As mentioned above, creating a PDF from a website via Chrome and/or CutePDF Pro can fix formatting issues with itemized lists, or may be your preferred method of PDF creation for other reasons. However, if you encounter additional problems arising from Chrome or CutePDF, you can also fix itemized lists, converting them back to their original, intended format, using Microsoft Word.

For example, you are about to process a Policy that contains this text:

Fayetteville policy on website

After copying and pasting the text from the website into Word, notice how the number formats have changed (i.e. A and B become 1 and 2):

Altered numbering after pasting into Word

If you click on one of the numbers, Word will highlight both that number and the other corresponding numbers in that particular list (the first "1" was selected, therefore that "1" and its corresponding "2" are now highlighted in grey):

Numbering options for itemized lists in Word

Now, find the Numbering Library in the upper toolbar in Word. You can then select your desired numbering format, which will change all of the numbers accordingly in that particular list. In this case, if you select the A,B,C option, the list will now display as it originally did on the website (see first screenshot).