Processing Serials mail (or sorting the mail) is the process of prepping mail delivered to our department before checking the issues in. This process is usually done by the Acquisitions Processing Specialist or the back up (TBD). Below you can read about the general guidelines and tips on mail sorting, and find helpful documents:
When the mail comes, it is important to sort the mail ASAP, create priority stacks for check-in, and deliver mail not needed for check-in to the appropriate people, locations, departments, etc.
Sorting the mail determines the order in which things should be worked on and helps with time management.
Mail should be organized into priority stacks as follows:
If you notice a damaged journal or empty envelope with lost contents, it is best to prioritize the item so a replacement can be claimed in a timely manner. See the Damaged Items / Journal Maintenance page for more information on how to process these items.
***Check Mailing Labels***
During both mail sorting and check-in, item mailing labels, envelopes, etc. should be examined to verify that they are addressed to Acquisitions employees. Several items will be addressed to specific Acquisitions employees, both past and present.If it is clearly a journal that we expect to receive and check in, put the item on the cart to be checked in rather than delivering to the specific employee.However, be cautious, as we occasionally get a librarian's personal copy of a journal which should not be checked in but go to him or her.
If you receive an item addressed to and clearly intended for a person or department outside of Acquisitions, highlight (unless it's a glossy surface) the correct name and address and place the item in the Serials outgoing mail basket, which can be found near the routed journals and binding baskets near the Preservation office.
Occasionally Serials receives periodicals intended for the Law Library. These should be labeled as such on the mailing label or have "law" as their location in Sierra. We do not check in items for the Law Library collection. If you receive a periodical that should be sent to the law library, place issue in the Serials outgoing mail basket.
The other branch libraries, i.e. Physics, Fine Arts, and Chemistry, have incoming mail baskets on the departmental pickup shelves. Please place any mail addressed to these libraries or employees of those libraries in their respective mail baskets.
Sometimes we receive mail intended for Acquisitions i.e. monograph orders.If you determine that it’s something not intended for Serials but for Acquisitions, it can be walked over to Acquisitions and placed in their inbox. NOTE: Publications in the Geophysical Monograph Series should be taken to Acquisitions, even though it’s a series and is typically addressed to Serials. If you are still unsure, check with the Receiving Specialist or your supervisor.
The items described above that are not addressed to us should be placed in the outgoing mail basket or appropriate inbox. However, there is one exception:
Sometimes claimed items will come in an envelope from Harrassowitz or the EBSCO Missing Copy Bank, addressed to Serials, but the physical issues themselves will have mailing labels with other recipients. These are used or extra copies that have been forwarded to us and should be checked in and processed. Keep the Harrassowitz or EBSCO envelope with the issue until check-in to ensure it is not incorrectly considered misrouted.
There are a few parties that regularly donate serials to the library as gifts, but the mailing label might not be addressed to Serials/University Library (for example, the King Fahd Center for Middle East Studies donates several titles to the library, which will still have their address on them). These are also to go through the normal check-in process.
Occasionally, someone else in the library will place a serial item on your check-in cart or inbox (we get some items from Government Documents this way, for example) to be checked in or otherwise. If you have questions, ask your supervisor or the person who placed the issues on your cart or inbox.
While sorting the Serials mail, you may occasionally find materials from the GPO (Government Publishing Office). These pieces should be passed on to Government Documents personnel.
These items will have either "GPO" or the number 29 (our library's depository number) written somewhere on the package or envelope. Below are some examples of how you might find this.
After all of the mail has been sorted, opened, delivered, and removed from the Shipping and Receiving mail cart and postal basket, the mail cart and postal basket should be placed alongside the North wall of the Receiving Specialist’s station. This is where Shipping and Receiving will pick it up.
If you have any cardboard to recycle, you can take it to the cardboard bin in Content Services (MULN 214). Make sure to break down the cardboard before placing it in the bin.