StaffGuide: Receiving & Processing

Damaged Issues

Damaged Issues:

  1. Claim with the appropriate vendor. Consult the procedures for gift titles or paid titles as needed, depending on which category the journal falls under.
  2. Add a check-in box after the “damaged at serials” box. Claim the new box by right-clicking and choosing “Card Function” (or Ctrl+L), then clicking "claim one." This will enter the claim in Sierra and adjust the expected date to the current day, which will generate a new claim-on date. Keep in mind that it may be necessary to adjust this date once you receive information from the vendor or publisher as to how much time to allow for the replacement to arrive.
  3. Suppress this box.
  4. Add a public note to the new box stating "Perfect Copy Reqd (date/initials)."
  5. Put a claim note in the check-in record with the appropriate abbreviation and relevant info.
  6. Write "damaged (date/initials)" and "clmd (date/initials)" on the label of the piece and put it on the shelf with the other damaged issues. Do not label the issue directly. Preserve the labels on waxy paper and paper-clip to issue.

If you are unable to successfully claim for a replacement copy or told that one can be obtained at a cost, refer to the replacement procedures.

For more details on the check-in process for damaged issues and flawless replacement copies, see the Damaged Items / Journal Maintenance section of the Serials Receiving & Processing StaffGuide.