Address Changes:
All address changes for paid titles need to be given to the Accounts Payable Manager for review.
All address changes for non-paid titles can be reviewed and processed by the Receiving Specialist.
- When FORM 3547 is received from the US Postal Service, identify publication for which address change has occurred.
- You can use the create list function in Sierra based on ‘city’ in the vendor address field (q).
- Change address in check in and non-paid order records as necessary.
Address Changes for Non-Paid Titles:
- In the check in record enter the new vendor/publisher address information in the ven.addr. field (q) using all capital letters.
- Verify that the old vendor information is the same as given in the non-paid order record.
- If both the non-paid order record and the check in record have the same ven.addr. field, delete the old vendor information from the check in record only; Do not delete the old vendor information in the order record. Follow the instructions on how we retain that old vendor information for historical purposes only.
- If different, copy the old information from the check in record to the order record and add it as an int. note field (z) with “PREV ADDR:” at the beginning of the line; date and initial at the end. (See image below).
- Copy the entire new vendor address field (CTRL-C) from the check in record and paste the field (CTRL-V) into the non-paid order record.
- Retain old address information (in the order record only) by changing the ven.addr. field (q) for the old information into an int. note field (z). Enter “PREV ADDR:” at the beginning of the old vendor address. Add the date and your initials at the end of the line. (See image below).
- If there is additional new contact information [i.e. phone number, fax number, e-mail]. Enter this information with a note (n) in the check in record only. Do not delete old contact information unless it is verified as out of date/obsolete information.
- Retain this old contact information by entering “PREV CONTACT:” at the beginning of the old information; add date & initials at the end of the information line.
EXCHANGE TITLES – Be sure vendor information is for the exchange partner, not for a publisher of issuing agency. Exchange title information needs to be up to date in the check in record, the non-paid order record, and the Exchange Notebook (Access) found in the Serials Drive.