One Time Order: The University Libraries may decide to seek a one time order through the publisher or vendor. This means that we will pay one time and that this is NOT an ongoing subscription. Sometimes subject selectors have leftover funds and can purchase one time orders of serial volumes of certain serial titles. The Accounts Payable Manager will let the Receiving Specialist know about the one time order. After finding out about the one time order, the Receiving Specialist will initiate the process by creating a brief one time order check in record that will be suppressed from the public display. If we are one time ordering a title that we do not already have in Sierra, proceed to export an OCLC record or create a brief bibliographic record, then create the suppressed one time order check in record. Let the Accounts Payable Manager know that you have exported an OCLC record or create a brief bibliographic record so that they can add a one time order record. If we already had a bibliographic record in Sierra, the Accounts Payable Manager probably already added a one time order record.
Most of the time, the Accounts Payable Manager will want the one time order to go to them first after it is received in the mail. After we receive the one time order in the mail, then the paperwork and issue(s) will be sent to the Accounts Payable Manager so they can review the issues and paperwork then send everything to cataloging to be cataloged. After everything is cataloged, cataloging will return the paperwork and issue(s) back to the Receiving Specialist to finish up the processing of the one time order.
Check the following tabs for each step in the one time order process.
You will either export the OCLC record of the serial title or create a brief bibliographic record in Sierra if original cataloging is needed.
LABEL TYPE: n (NO LABEL) [Once the title is cataloged, then you can choose the appropriate label type.]
SCODE2: - ---
COPIES: [Usually 1 copy but add the appropriate number of copies you will be checking in on the check in record]
LOCATION: Choose the appropriate location designated by the subject selector or the Accounts Payable Manager.
VENDOR: Choose the appropriate vendor code. The Accounts Payable Manager will let you know or after the order record is created you can find the vendor code in there.
SCODE3: Choose the appropriate code. For example, if it is a continuation, then “3” (R3 CONTINUATIONS). If it is not a continuation or newspaper then “r” (R1-R2 CONT). If it is a newspaper then “n” (NEWSPAPERS).
SCODE4: ---
IDENTITY: 1x Order
NOTE: "*****When issues arrive, do not check it in. Please give the issues to the Accounts Payable Manager. After the Accounts Payable Manager is done, please send the issues to the Receiving Specialist to be 1x added. (date and initials)"
NOTE(S): You might need to add instruction notes here.
NOTE: "CLAIMS: If this comes up for claims, please go see the Accounts Payable Manager before doing anything else. (date and initials)"
NOTE: Copy/paste URL in a note field. If you can’t find a useful URL, then do not add a URL note.
NOTE: -----Keep this check in record suppressed until further notice. This check in record is used for 1x orders only. DELETE CHECK IN RECORD WHEN IT IS NO LONGER NEEDED.(date and initials)
MESSAGE: Only add a message field if you believe you will receive more issues while the title is waiting to be cataloged. You message can say "When issues arrive, do not check it in. Please give the issues to the Accounts Payable Manager. After the Accounts Payable Manager is done, please send the issues to the Receiving Specialist to be 1x added.(date and initials)".
Remember that the Accounts Payable Manager will create the one time order record.