If a journal is password protected, the username and password can usually be found in either the internet placeholder check-in record notes or the order record notes. In addition to patron access, these password-protected archives are at times useful for verifying the latest issue, enumeration, and checking for skipped issues or online only issues.
For example, note the title Architects’ Journal. Since one of the journal’s internet holdings needs a password, it is denoted as a “UARK Passworded Journal” and the public is directed to the appropriate service desk to inquire about it:
NOTE: For these titles, a periodic review of the passworded online issues is necessary to ensure the password is still valid and the link still directs to the archives as intended. If you notice any issues with UARK passworded journal access, or if you receive information indicating a change in journal access, please e-mail both the Accounts Payable Manager and e-serials.