If the issue is a standing order, please also keep in mind the guidelines for damaged and defective standing orders.
If you have a question about whether an issue might or might not be damaged or defective, consult with binding to determine if a claim should be filed. Many minor damages can be repaired in-house. You will frequently receive issues that have minimal, minor tears that can be easily taped.Through experience and accumulation of examples, you will gain a good understanding of which issues can be repaired by the Receiving Specialist or whomever is doing the check-in, which issues are questionable and could use a Binding consultation, and which issues definitely need to be checked in as damaged and claimed for a free replacement without needing a consultation. Below are some guidelines for commonly encountered situations when receiving journals in less-than-perfect condition or having any maintenance requirements.
For incoming journals, Acquisitions will handle:
Journals with the following should be placed in the Binding basket next to their office:
For any issues sent to Binding for minor repairs:
Keep in mind that the minimum threshold for amount of damage needed to claim can vary by location. ARKCO and Fine Arts (FALPE, FAL) materials need to be thoroughly inspected for damage. Any questions should be directed to Binding. More information about location-specific check-in procedures can be found in the Special Check-In Procedures by Location section.
If the item is damaged and needs to be claimed, proceed to the following steps:
There should be two check-in boxes (a damaged issue box and a suppressed perfect copy box). Upon seeing these two boxes you will know that you have received the replacement copy. Examine the replacement to make sure it's in good condition and/or make any necessary repairs or consultations w/ binding.
To check in the perfect copy:
Obtain the damaged copy from claims agent’s shelf and:
If you are unable to successfully claim for a free perfect replacement copy for a damaged issue:
The EBSCO Missing Copy Bank is an inventory maintained by EBSCO that consists of used, donated recent issues of popular journals. EBSCO subscribers can easily place orders for these issues, which will be shipped to their library free of charge. Most of the titles accepted by EBSCO for the Missing Copy Bank are popular, high-frequency magazines such as Time, The Economist, etc.
To see if a particular title has issues available in the Missing Copy Bank, login to EBSCO and search the catalog for that title. If there are issues available, a link to the Missing Copy Bank holdings can be found under Links/Other EBSCO Information to the right.
After clicking the link, if you see the issue that you need, simply fill out the Order Quantity field and then click on the blue Order Copies bottom towards the top. The issue should arrive in roughly 2 weeks.
You can read more about the EBSCO Missing Copy Bank on EBSCO's website.
For damaged and defective standing orders, you will follow the same procedures as above, although there are a few additional guidelines:
See the Check In--Standing Orders page for more info on the procedure for checking in and processing standing orders, and the Standing Orders page on the Claiming StaffGuide for more info on claiming standing orders.
Occasionally, when a free replacement of a journal is unavailable or an issue of a journal is lost, the Preservation, Conservation, and Teaching Coordinator might make a decision to have the Accounts Payable Manager purchase a replacement copy. The Receiving Specialist assists with the handling of these items, for example, with labeling.
Check out the Replacements section in the Serials Access & Claiming StaffGuide for more details on this procedure and who does what.