Sometimes (usually for Arkansas titles), check-in record notes will indicate that a PDF must be captured for digital preservation of the issue you are physically checking in. When you see these record notes, you will need to follow the PDF capture procedure outlined in this section.
Here is a record note for a title whose PDF must be captured at check-in:

Watch for notes in the check-in record with instructions to capture the PDF and save to the electronic resources drive.
If you see a pattern of "pdf@serials" notes in the boxes (see image at the bottom for an example of this type of note) but we do not have instructions about capturing the PDFs, notify the Receiving Specialist so this can be reviewed further.
If you notice that the title is in ScholarWorks@UARK, we no longer have to capture the PDFs per University Archivist. Please notify the Receiving Specialist about this so it can be reviewed further.
When you are instructed to capture a PDF, utilize the following procedure:
- Check the issue in normally.
- After check-in, return to the record tab, and right click on the URL listed in the record notes. (URLs should appear directly above the ~~Parameters note and are color-coded). If the URL is not located in the record notes, examine the Bib record by clicking the Edit icon in the top right portion of Sierra, then looking for MARC tag 856. (Again, the URL should appear color-coded). You can add the URL to the check-in record notes for convenience.

- The Open URL option will open the URL in your browser of choice. From this point, websites will vary in configuration, but all should contain at least the most recent issue, if not an archive of recent and past issues. Find the link that corresponds to the issue you are checking in and open the PDF.
- Once the PDF opens, save it to the preservation drive (name varies), under the corresponding title. The titles in Wright are arranged into alphabetical folders. Most of what you capture will fall under one of these, or the University-related Publications folder. Check these folders for the corresponding title, and save the PDF in the title's folder. When naming the file, follow the general naming patterns already established in the folder.
- If the PDF link is broken or not working: if the link is in the 856 field of the bib record, report the broken link to eSerials via Trello, who will search for a new link. If the link is only in the check-in record, you can search for a new link containing the archives and add it. If no good link is found, let the Receiving Specialist know. More detailed instructions on checking and reporting URLs can be found on the URLs page.

- Once you have saved the file, click to open the file in the electronic resources drive to ensure that the file opens and has saved properly.
- Finally, in the check-in record card, find the issue box corresponding to the PDF you have saved and add the staff note: PDF@serials (D/I). Click OK.

7. Save the card.
Note: If you need assistance in mapping a network drive to your computer, follow the Mapping a Drive procedure.
Note: If the journal is password protected, the username and password can be found in either the Check-In Record notes or the Order Record notes.