The library has several standing order subscriptions in place, most of which are for monographic series and continuations, and are often published annually or irregularly.Because standing orders are sent to us as they are published, along with an invoice to pay for them upon receipt, and due to their irregularity, in most cases it is not necessary to claim for them. Most claiming on standing order titles will be done in situations in which there is damage involved, guidelines for which will be described in the next box. If desired, you can always contact the publisher or vendor to check on the publication status of a particular issue.
If a standing order title comes up for claims, you can check on the publication status of the issue in question via the website or vendor platform.
Websites for standing order titles often have listings of each issue published and their publication dates. They may state the title of a future issue along with its predicted publication date, which can be useful and should be noted in the check-in box for that issue when discovered.
Many standing order subscriptions are arranged through Harrassowitz. Useful info for these titles can be found in the HARR platform. After logging into your FOKUS account ( and searching for the title via order record number, you can select the "Volumes and Invoices" tab to view information pertaining to each volume, including estimated publication date and whether or not an invoice is available.
Before claiming for a standing order title in a non-damage situation, it is best to consult the Serials Acquisitions Manager on how to proceed. If you do need to claim for a standing order issue, you will largely follow the same procedures outlined in Sierra Function Modules for Claiming, while keeping in mind the steps for using FOKUS if it is a Harrassowitz title.
Also, notify the Serials Acquisitions Manager if the ACQ TYPE in the order record conflicts with the check-in record. Occasionally, the check-in record will say "SO" but the order record ACQ TYPE is set to "subscription."
What’s the difference between DAMAGED and DEFECTIVE?
DAMAGED = Torn pages, broken spine, or water damage
DEFECTIVE = Pages missing or printed askew
Receiving Assistant:
Accounts Payable Manager:
Receiving Specialist:
Box 1:
Box 2:
Receiving Specialist:
The Accounts Payable Manager will date and initial invoices received and place them in the invoice basket at the Receiving Specialist’s workstation.The Receiving Specialist will monitor the invoices.If the issue associated with an invoice is not received within ten business days, notify the Accounts Payable Manager.
Issues received without an invoice will be noted “@serials (date/initials)" in the public note of the checkin box, with "awaiting invoice (d/i)" in the staff note, and placed on the Receiving Specialist’s shelf.Leave the checkin box status as “expected”; do not check in the issue.If the invoice associated with an issue is not received within fourteen days, notify the Accounts Payable Manager.